I met Corey as the speaker on EBoot Camp at a BBB networking event in February of 2009. I am writing to tell you some of what has happened since EBoot Camp. In Just 10 months I am writing for my own blog site and 4 others sites including my local news in Ann Arbor, the Alzheimer’s Reading Room, which is the #1 site on Alzheimer’s information, and 3 other sites! My articles went into syndication a couple months ago and are showing up in leading newspapers, such as the Chicago Sun Times http://bit.ly/txqr1, the Herald News http://bit.ly/4CB8fI and international sites, such as Alzheimer’s New Zealand! Many more honors and opportunities have developed since EBoot Camp that would’ve never happened without meeting Corey and following EBoot Camp! Things have had this snowball effect that just keeps getting bigger! I really can’t say enough about how much Corey and his book have impacted my career! If you follow Corey’s advice and direction it will be the best investment you can make for your business, and career.

thanks for the kind words Angel!
