When Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who was recently named Time’s Person of the Year 2010, announced plans for a new Facebook profile page, I began to dread it. Not because I fear change or I thought it would be a bad move that would hinder my experience on the site. I was simply waiting for the monsoon that was undoubtedly preparing to rain down on my News Feed as friends, family and co-workers transitioned to the new format.

Comments like:


“How ugly could this new profile be? Facebook, WHY do you always have to mess with a good thing?”

“I’m boycotting Facebook until they come to their senses about this whole stupid new profile page thing.”

But something was different this time around. I heard… crickets.

I don’t think I read one single solitary tweet against the change. Not one person offered to boycott or flee to another social media website in protest. It was almost eerie that a relatively major change to the functionality of Facebook caused no disturbance among its most fervent supporters.

It was pure bliss.

I think we’ve hit a tipping point, a point at which users understand that when Facebook developers alter the site, they’re doing it in the best interest of OUR experience. They’re not making these decisions for selfish reasons, or to make our lives miserable, or for any of the other reasons I’ve heard tossed around on many different occasions.

Does anyone remember when the News Feed was first introduced? So many people were up in arms about it, starting anti-News Feed groups and the like — but can you imagine using the site without it? I don’t think many of us can.

The moral of the story here, folks, is that we need to understand — and I think the majority finally are — that Mark Zuckerberg didn’t get to 500 million-plus users by creating and constantly tweaking a site that’s difficult to use. It’s not perfect by any stretch, but it’s pretty darn great, and I, for one, can’t wait to see what they do next.