eBoot Campers!

I just got out of a meeting and the agenda was all about Facebook engagement. I had to start by leveling the expectations a bit because getting engagement on Facebook business pages is tough. Why? Well, think about how you navigate Facebook. Typically, we jump on, see what our friends and colleagues are doing and jump off. Following what a business is up is not a top priority. So the odds are stacked against us.

But it’s still worth the effort. Here are three reasons why:

  1. When they comment or ‘like’ your post, that activity shows up on their page and it’s the best way to organically spread your message to other people.
  2. It’s the only way to tell that people are paying attention to your message. When someone responds or ‘likes’ your post, you know they read it. In the offline world, it would be like getting people to pull their cars over and sign your billboard.
  3. You know they are enjoying what you’re posting. If you’re consistently getting engagement with your Facebook posts, people are engaged and like what you’re doing. You’ve also earned the right to occasionally talk about your business. People respect that this is a professional page and your goal is not just to provide value, but also earn their trust and hopefully their business.

Below are a few ways to get more engagement. As you know, we have a 2-day Intensive coming up in Michigan on June 16th and 17th. Part of what we do during the two days is have you post specific messages on your Facebook business page using some of the tips below. These two days are all about action and what better way to learn than to actually post live to your page.

And if you don’t have a business page yet, you’ll create one with us helping you along the way. We only have four spots left, I hope you can come.

Click here for more info: Social Media 2-day Intensive (Novi, MI June 16th and 17th)

Here are a few tips to get more engagement:

  1. Use pictures and video to help your page come alive! I absolutely see more comments and likes when I post videos to my page.
  2. Make your posts topical. If you live in Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Detroit, etc. you have playoffs going on right now in your backyard. Are you talking about them on your page? You should be! The biggest response I ever got on my business page was one I did on Super Bowl Sunday. It had nothing to do with social media but it was what people were interested in talking about.
  3. Make it about them. If you remember nothing else, simply remember that this page is about your community. When you ask people to become fans of your page, don’t tell them to do it for you, tell them all the reasons why they would want to be connected to this page. You’ll be packing it full of value and they will benefit from liking your page.
  4. If you’re going to link to other pages or articles, use the actual link. Studies find that when we shorten the link using tools like bit.ly or tinyurl.com, it stops people from clicking because they don’t know where they are going. Keep the link in its original form.
  5. Don’t be boring. The more fun you have on your page, the more it will show in your responses and likes. Don’t be afraid to push the envelope a bit and try some things. There are 600 million people on facebook, you need to find ways to get above the noise and be heard.

Good luck my friends,
