Facebook, Twitter, and even LinkedIn all have the potential to generate explosive sales for your business.
But you have to do it the right way.
Your customers and prospects don’t like to be bombarded with salesy copy and obnoxious messages. The key is to connect with your audience, to position yourself as the “go to” person, so when they’re ready to buy, they remember you and what you’ve provided for them.
Social media is an excellent tool to propel your sales. Check out some of our best tips and advice for creating the type of environment where people can’t help but buy from you!
Our video this week discusses all you need to know about selling with social media. These “dos” and “don’ts” of selling explain the unconventional ways that social media can help you to generate sales and get in front of your future customers! Enjoy.
The best way to secure a sale on social media is to establish yourself as a thought leader.
People want to get to know you! They buy from people they trust, and from people who provide value through great eNewsletters, thoughtful posts, and free advice. On your social media pages, post your own personal insights that come directly from you.
Bonus points – Right now, go to your Facebook page and create a status that comes from you. It can be inspired by something you’ve read or learned, but put your own spin on it!