Join the Social Media Revolution!


This week, I had the privilege of doing a Google Hangout with my good friend and social media expert, Erik Qualman.

Erik is the creator of the viral video Social Media Revolution – check it out here! – as well as author of the upcoming book, What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube.

Having such a popular video and following, Erik has some excellent strategies and ideas for growing your social media presence.  Read along below from some great insights from Erik!


Take a look at the Google Hangout with me and Erik Qualman – full of great tips and insight on Erik’s video, career, and social media knowledge.


Let’s Talk Strategy!
Erik has had great success with number of views of Social Media Revolution, and provides his strategies for obtaining more views on YouTube:

  • Keep it as short as possible: Keep cutting down your videos to hold the audience attention span.
  • Good music: A key to a popular video is to choose the right music.
  • Don’t be too promotional: Create your video to provide value, not to promote yourself or your product.
  • Lead with the headline: You don’t have time to build the story, since the drop off rate is huge for video.  Tell them why they need to watch right from the start.
  • Know your audience: Who’s going to view this?  Create your content with this in mind.


Your Digital Stamp

Decide what you want your Digital Stamp to be.  This is a concept from the video with Erik, and basically means your goals in life and what you would like to show up on Google as your legacy.  From business to personal, whatever is important to you can be included.

For example, Erik wants his stamp to be as a “digital Dale Carnegie who teaches people to lead their best life with God and family first.”

Spend a few minutes creating your Digital Stamp and let us know what you come up with!


 What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding site that raises money for individual projects.  If you want to produce a book, product, movie, or anything else, you can raise funds online and have people fund the project.  This eliminates the need for a loan, and generates buzz about your project.

If you back the project and the fundraiser raises enough money, you get the product when it’s created, or receive something else for your contribution.

Erik’s latest book, What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube is now a Kickstarter campaign!

This is the synopsis of What Happens in Vegas Stays on YouTube will explore:

Privacy is dead. Reputations are dying every second. What is the cost? What is the upside and downside of a fully transparent world? What does it mean for our kids today and in the future?

Click here to hear more about the book or to support it through funding.