Are You Cashing IN on LinkedIN?

LinkedIn is a popular social network with many benefits, but are you getting the most from it? Much like any other social media outlet, the key is using it effectively.

Below are some strategies direct from my new book, Social Media Overload!, that will help you build credibility and drive new business from the most powerful business networking tool on the planet.


Only a few more weeks until Social Media Overload!is available!

This is an exciting time, and you can join in the excitement by pre-ordering the book! This way, as soon as it’s out, it will be in your hands ASAP.

To pre-order, please click here.

Also, we are offering the book at a 50% discount for meeting planners who book Corey to speak. Email to check availability.


  • Add a Status Update Daily: The goal of most marketing strategies is to stay Top of Mind with your prospects and customers. When you add a status update to your LinkedIn profile, it shows up inside the news feed of all of your connections. I’ve received emails from prospects moments after I published a status update on my LinkedIn profile. It works!
  • A Great Title: Right below your name is your first opportunity to sell someone on your value. Do not just put a boring standard title there like real estate agent or mortgage broker, but rather, add some sizzle!
  • Make a Distinction: You will notice below in Terry’s profile that he took advantage of the space next to his name to share his credentials. If you have earned the right to add a distinction or certification that would be seen as credible to others, make sure you add it to your profile.
  • Get to 500: Do your best to get to 500+ connections. Whether you have 501 or 15,000 connections, this makes you look more credible and connected.  Spend some time actively seeking people out that you know on LinkedIn and invite them to connect. In no time at all, you will start getting closer to that magic number and without having to connect with total strangers!
  • Give it Some Zest: LinkedIn now has the power to feature your videos, PowerPoint presentations, and photos. This makes your profile stand out from the rest! Go to see an example of adding videos to your profile.
  • Build Your Reputation: Get some (quality) recommendations! When it comes to recommendations, it’s quality over quantity every time. If you ask the right people to recommend you on LinkedIn, they will spend time crafting an endorsement worthy of the exceptional product or service you offer. Recommendations matter.




Check out my video for a LinkedIn strategy few people are using!