A big push for us in 2015 is to help our clients create more compelling content on the platforms where their customers and prospects are spending the most time. In fact, I’ve designed a brand new workshop on this very topic for 2015 and 2016. Visit www.coreyperlman.com for more info.

I’d like to encourage you to join us in thinking about how you can add MORE value to your readers, listeners and connections in 2015.Here are a few questions to get you thinking: 

1. What’s your expertise?

1a. What are you extremely knowledgeable about that others could benefit from?

2. What are the top 3-5 questions you get in your business on a consistent basis?

3. What keeps your clients up at night? What are their biggest challenges for 2015?

4. How do you like to digest content? Do you prefer graphics over content? Video over images? Bullets or paragraphs?

5. Who are the creators in your organization? Who loves to write? How can you arm them to create content for your business in 2015?

Answer the questions above and you’ll be well on your way to creating content that makes an impact on your network. 

Don’t phone it in. Build trust and authority with your audience through your content. Do this and you’ll find 2015 to be the year of results from your digital marketing.
