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Some Zoom Tips I Curated For You
I hope you’re all staying healthy, taking care of yourself and those you love. Our kids’ school just made the call that the rest of the year is canceled, so this temporary normal has just become not so temporary. But alas, I am trying to enjoy the extra time while they are little, I’m also introducing them to some of my all-time favorite movies – Goonies, Willow, and Sandlot to name a few.
I know many of you are becoming more familiar with virtual meeting tools such as Webex, Microsoft Meetings, GoToMeeting, and Zoom. My preferred tool is Zoom – so I thought I’d share some tips that have been helpful to me.
Those tips are listed below.
Two quick things before I let you go:
1. In times like this, it’s important we don’t stop communicating with our tribe. Keep adding value via your social media platforms, blog, YouTube channel, and eNewsletter. Let them know you are here for them, and you’ll be here long after this virus disappears. We are busier than ever in doing just this for our clients. If our digital marketing agency can support you in any way, please shoot me an email at corey@impactsocialmedia.com, and we’ll set up a time to chat.
2. I was supposed to be in Alaska last week and Michigan this week. My postponed travel schedule has freed me up to do something I really enjoy – individual coaching calls via Zoom. It’s been fun to create a checklist of improvements to websites, LinkedIn profiles, directories, and other digital assets. We’re also creating a specific action list for clients to do today, so they’re ready to hit the ground running when business resumes. Shoot me a quick email (corey@impactsocialmedia.com) for more info and availability.
Okay, here are some Tools, Tips, and Tricks to become better at Zoom!
1. iGlasses – This is a plugin for your web camera that allows you to adjust multiple settings (see image below). You can also quickly flip the image if you’re showing up ‘mirrored’ and everything looks reversed. It has a free week trial and then a nominal fee if you enjoy using the tool.
2. Krisp https://krisp.ai/ – This tool is really cool and eliminates background noise. I’ve only just begun playing with it, but so far it’s worked really well. See more info here.
3. Install cool virtual backgrounds. If you want to play around with what’s behind you on your Zoom calls, you can click ‘virtual backgrounds’ on your Zoom options, and either use some of their default backgrounds or choose your own! You know I’m a Goonies fan, so below is my current background of Corey Feldman as Mouth from Goonies. 🙂
4. Lastly, be careful of Zoom Bombers. Yes, sadly people are getting unwanted guests in their public Zoom meetings. These interruptions have ranged from minor to very severe, so it’s important to take precautions. My friend, Sam Richter, was interviewed about this issue, and he offered some helpful ways to protect your meetings. The most important tip was to add a password to your meetings! See the video here.