Happy Friday!
As we wrap up our series on holiday marketing, we wanted to give you some Do’s and Don’ts as you start to put your plan into action. As I mentioned over the past few weeks, this is traditionally a high buying season, and I don’t believe this year will be any different. Companies have budgets they need to spend, people have deductibles they’ve met or are looking to meet, and consumers will still buy for the holidays. Those who have a plan and are active during these busy times will be the ones who will succeed. Look for ways to stay ‘top of mind’ with your digital marketing and be creative in how you offer your solutions.
My longtime friend, David Newman, did exactly this with his recent Revenue Summit. He got 25 of his brightest colleagues (I made 26 🙂 together for an intensive training geared directly towards entrepreneurs, business owners, consultants, and salespeople to help them drive more business in the next 90-days – and it’s 100% free. I was blown away by the experts he brought together and the content they created. The specific details are below. I rarely put offers like this in our e-tips, but I wholeheartedly believe this can help your business.
And before we get to the Do’s and Don’ts from some of our other trusted resources, here are a few from me:
1. Do serve, Don’t sell. The old adage people hate to be sold, but love to buy is so true. Don’t be pushy, and don’t rush the process. Be of service. Earn their trust today, and they’ll be loyal customers for years to come. So seek to help first, sell second.
2. Do create a sense of urgency. For those of you who provide services, this one is for you. As of October 23rd, many businesses are open. We can’t say what will happen in the next week or month, but today we are open. So I’d remind your patients, clients, and customers that if they need or want to come in for an appointment, now is the time! Don’t wait. We are here, ready to serve, and are doing everything in our power to keep you safe.
3. Do more videos. Don’t tell me, show me. That’s what I’ve been encouraging our clients to do during these uncertain times. We spoke to a dental client last week, and he was telling us all about their new protocols for keeping their patients safe and healthy while at their office. I asked him to give his phone to someone and press record while he takes us on a tour of the office. Show us how you’re keeping us safe. Remind us that now is the time to come in for our appointment. A picture might be worth 1000 words, but a video is worth so much more.