Years ago, QR codes were all the rage for businesses to promote their website, online directory, or social media profiles. The goal was to make it easy for people to pull out their phones and quickly get to these sites and take action. Here at Impact Social, we generated codes for our clients and created posters to display the codes. But they just never took off. The biggest roadblock was that you needed to download a QR code reader, and this extra step was simply too much for critical mass.
Fast forward a few years, and two big changes opened the door for a comeback:
- A big technology upgrade. Both Apple and Android made it possible for us to scan QR codes by simply using the camera on our phones – no 3rd party app required.
- A Global Pandemic. QR Codes could not have asked for better use case scenarios – eliminating menus, flyers, and other items germs can attach themselves.
Welcome back.
Now, are Quick Response (that’s what QR stands for) codes here to stay? I think the answer is a resounding yes. Large retailers are partnering with payment companies like PayPal and Venmo to allow for touchless payment options, and restaurants are saving money (and the environment) by eliminating paper menus. This pandemic was the perfect plot twist to the QR Code comeback story.
And so, we are back to creating QR codes for our clients. Here’s an example of one we did recently for a dental practice.
Here are a few ways you might consider using QR codes for your business:
- A quick way to access your social media sites.
- A direct link to write a review on Google My Business or Yelp.
- A direct path to a specific promotion on your Website.
What are your thoughts on the future of QR codes? Here to stay or just a pandemic fad? Are you using (or planning to use) QR codes in your business? Head over to Facebook or LinkedIn and let me know.