I Just Googled You (Part 2!) Steal My Checklist!

Last week, I shared with you the importance of having a positive first impression on Google. It can literally be the difference between making or losing a sale. This week, I want you to take action! Go check yourselves out on Google and see if you find any issues that would deter someone from working with you. I can tell you from experience that we all have work to do. Below is a checklist to help you with this exercise. Use it to improve your overall first impression. 

Steal my CHECKLIST ⤵️


▪️ Set a timer for 15 minutes and pretend you are a busy prospect determining whether to do business with you or not. 

▪️ Google your name or the name of your business. Scan the results and click on a few of the links on the first page. Note the social media profiles that rank near the top. Those are the ones you should prioritize getting in order. 


When the 15 minutes is up, answer these questions:  

🔘 Are you impressed by what you see?

🔘 Do you get a positive first impression no matter which profile you click on? 

🔘 Is it clear what you do and who you serve?

🔘 Do you have any pages or profiles that are being unmanaged?

🔘 Is your content helpful? Do you feel like you are adequately serving your audience? 

🔘 Is there negative sentiment on any of your profiles or directories?

🔘 Is there a low number of followers or lack of engagement on any profiles? 


When you complete this exercise, you should leave with a list of action items for your brand’s online profiles. Commit to addressing these issues and put aside some time in your or your team’s calendar to make sure these get fixed.

Let’s ensure that no matter where someone starts, they always start with a great first impression. 

Let me know what you find by replying to this email or commenting on my LinkedIn post



In a world cluttered with curated content and polished posts, Authentically Social is your ticket to breaking free from the facade and building a real connection with your digital audience.