Are your prospects waking up every morning thinking about you?
Unless your name is Starbucks, I’m guessing the answer is no.
It’s our job as marketers to find a way to get prospects thinking about us every day until they make a decision. And if we’re not, trust me, our competition is.
The challenge is almost every conventional advertising or marketing strategy would be considered aggressive, or too sales-y if you did it daily. For example, if you emailed your prospects daily, they would run for the hills.
That’s where social media can be so effective.
I have a client I’m coaching right now on LinkedIn.
One of his assignments is to share an update on his LinkedIn profile every day.
Yesterday, we were on the phone and he had three messages in his LinkedIn inbox. One was from a prospect and here’s the gist of what it said:
“Mitch, great article, thanks for sharing. I’m planning on attending the June session – how do I sign up?”
Connecting with your prospects on social media sites and posting content they deem valuable are great ways to remain permanently on their radar.
So step one is getting connected with them on the sites that they frequent most.
Then you need to carve out a few minutes in your daily routine to post to your social media sites. What you share can be the difference between success and failure.
You need to post content your prospects deem valuable or interesting. Spend some time on it, be creative, and provide a mix of content.
- A valuable article
- Inspirational quote
- A thought-provoking question
- Your own words of wisdom
In the world of social media, being a publisher rather than a marketer or advertiser is a much more effective strategy in getting a prospect’s attention.
During our Michigan 2-day Intensive on June 21st and 22nd, you practice posting to your social media sites and I help you create a solid content strategy.
We just had a company sign up for the event this past week.
The owner was most excited about getting his Website reviewed by the entire class. He said he’s never heard anything (good or bad) from his customers about his Website and he doesn’t know if it’s ‘up to speed.’ He’ll get honest feedback from me and an unbiased room of people about his Website and direction on how to fix it.
Last year, we added an email subscriber form to the top of one the attendee’s website and it resulted in a 50% increase in web leads.
We work with you to figure out the five most important areas on the Web for your business and that’s what you focus on in the 2-day.
Click HERE for more info.